  • 日期:112-02-01


1. 凡中華民國國民或居住金門縣民眾年滿15歲以上均可申請為本健身中心會員。
2. 申請會員經核准後,需完成繳交會員進場磁卡工本費新台幣200元、保證金新台幣1000元,合計新台幣1200元,始具會員資格並發給會員進場磁卡乙張。會員磁卡禁止轉讓或借予他人使用,違者取消會員資格並沒收磁卡,磁卡遺失申請補發需繳交新台幣100元。申請退出會員並繳回磁卡後,保證金新台幣1000元無息退還(磁卡工本費200元不予退還)
1. 體適能健身中心開放時間:
    星期一至星期日︰ 上午8─12時,下午1時30分─5時30分,晚上6─9時30分
2. 使用體適能健身中心須持有中心會員卡。
3. 未滿15歲者禁止入內使用;未滿18歲之民眾必須由18歲以上具健身設備使用知識人員陪同方可入內使用。
4. 使用者應穿著正確舒適之運動服、運動褲、乾淨運動鞋,並攜帶毛巾,禁止穿著具金屬扣或突物配件之休閒褲、卡其褲、牛仔褲、西裝褲、襯衫、氣墊皮鞋、高跟鞋、懶人鞋 、涼鞋、拖鞋。
5. 使用器械及器材後,必須用毛巾擦淨器材上的汗水。
6. 健身中心內嚴禁吸煙、嚼檳榔及口香糖或飲食(不限礦泉水)。
7. 如有身體不適或患有不適合激烈運動之疾病,請勿下場運動。
8. 如有其他使用者等待時,使用者不可坐在器械上休息。
9. 使用各項器材後,應歸放原位。
10. 未經本場核准,不得於本場地進行教學訓練之行為。


A. Application

1. People with Taiwan and Kinmen Citizenship with age 15 years and older are able to apply the membership.

2. Member Card: NTD200 and deposit NTD1000, total NTD1,200.

B. Terms to use

1.Opening Hours: Mon to Sun 08:00~12:00、13:30~17:30、18:00~21:30

2.Please bring member card.

3.Users under age 15 is prohibited to enter, users under age 18 years must accompany by personal coach.

4.Users please dress in sportswear and sneakers in the court, leather or other type of shoes are prohibited to avoid damaging the ground. Users please bring your own towel to keep personal and the venue neat.

5.Please clean the facilities after using.

6.Smoking, eating, chewing gum or betel nut is prohibited

7.Please do not exercise if you have any uncomfortable feelings or have unsuitable illness.

8.Please do not seat on the felicities while waiting.

9.Please return the equipment after use.

10.Do not take personal coaching without our center’s permission.

11.Please treasure the facilities while using the court, if they are damaged on propose, you will be charged.

12.Our centre is not responsible for personal belongings, please bring valuables with you

13.Our centre will be closed for big events, activities or other business needs.
